Confetti - Tyflow Setup
Here you have a procedural natural-looking confetti setup using Tyflow for 3DsMax and already configured to render with Vray 5. It has 2 versions you can choose from:
- Waterfall-like version, in which the confetti falls from the top of the screen
- Explosive version, in which the confetti originates from a central point, imitating a pinata object
Some of the features:
- Very fast to simulate, even on older systems
- The confetti collides with the ground or whatever object you want to add to the simulation
- Changing the shapes or materials is easy and fast
- You get correct motion blur in all render engines that support Tyflow
- Almost unlimited number of particles if rendered as instances
It will work with both the free and pro versions of Tyflow, albeit with the free version it will run slower. Check the video to see a more in-depth explanation of the features.
A procedural, easy to edit, tyflow-based confetti setup, with 2 different looks: waterfall and explosive!
1.82 MB
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